Currently, well, until last friday, our guest bedroom was lovingly referred to as "The Chateau", our own little guest oasis for the many folks that travel great distances to be entertained and to relax on the Schaecher Estate. Okay, maybe that is a bit of an exageration, because really, it was just our friends Katie & Cameron that would come from Portland for long weekends of The Office marathons, french toast, and costco trips, and trust me, this place is pretty far from what I would consider an "estate"! Anyway, back to the story. But, our most heartfelt appologies to K&C, your oasis has been moved upstairs to the lodge.

So, on Saturday, Andy and I dismantled The Chateau, and prepared for what would be 7 long, knee torturing, brain taxing hours of putting together 4 pieces of baby furniture.

So, at about 8:30 Saturday night, we finished!! I can't say we were both happy campers, but at least we were done! Our next step in this glorious process is to refinish a rocking chair...well, I say "our", really it is Andy's, as he has refused to let me come within 25 feet of anything that may or may not be malodorous....I'll keep you posted on that project as well, as it is sure to produce some great pictures, probably primarily of Andy's growling face :)
Until next time!