Incase anyone out there still has faith in my blogging promise, I am finally getting back to writing! It has almost been 4 months since Aiden was born, and this evening, as I found some time to look through some pictures from this last winter and just after Aiden's arrival, it really hit home how fast the time has gone and how different everything is...
This picture was taken about 1 week before I was due...these from scratch brownies had peanut butter ganache and chocolate ganache in them (stinking good recipe, email me and I will send it too you), and they probably took me close to 2 hours of prep time (no baking time in there) to make them. I think about that now and laugh...the closest I have come to brownies since then is straight out of a box made like a frantic maniac between Aiden eating and pooping!!

About 1 month ago I went back to work 3 days a was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Thankfully, we are blessed with 2 grandmas and and 2 aunties to watch Aiden, we couldn't be luckier to have people watching him that practically love him more than we do. I remember the first day that I was home with Aiden by myself I thought, how am I going to survive these 3 months, I am going to be so quickly that though changed, and the time went by so much faster than I could have ever imagined, or appreciated. Being able to watch him grow and change in just 3 months was miraculous, and the love that I have for him is overwhelming.
Now, just 6 days short of his 4 month birthday, Aiden, to me, is no longer a baby, but already a little boy. He has such a curious personality (definitely dad), but also a stubborn streak (definitely mom). He has really started to chat and giggle a lot in the last few weeks, and we are close to being able to roll over from back to front! I can't believe that in just a couple of months he could be crawling and will be eating "real" food.
Amazing what can change in the span of a year...last year at this time we didn't even know that I was pregnant, and now we are parents to a little miracle.