If I could capture time in a bottle I would...I bet I could sell it for some good money! Aiden is 1 week away from his 8 month birthday, and I swear we just brought that kid home from the hospital. Long gone are the days of him contently sitting in his bouncer looking around and dozing off every hour or so...I wish I knew how true the words would be when everybody said you will wish these days were back when he is crawling. Well, damn you people, you were all right!! Aiden has been 5th gear crawling for the past month, and as much as I chase him around, you think I would have lost 10 pounds. I have started wearing a pedometer (the most accurate I could find on Amazon.com), and on an average day that I am home with him, I take about 7,000 steps, as I am constantly walking/running to get him out of something he shouldn't be in. The cords behind the t.v., the cords behind the end table, the hutch, the garbage in the bathroom, the garbage in his room, you name it, the kid has some sort of magnet for everything he is not supposed to be in to! I think he has knocked the fake tree in our office over about 37 times in the last 2 weeks. I wish Catholics had a word like Jewish folk have Oiy...I would use it, A LOT!! Complaining I am not, drinking I could do a lot more of, thankful I am very. I guess this is just the territory that comes along with having a boy. Yes, I know, you all told me so.
For your viewing pleasure, we had Aiden's first professional pictures taken today. And, if you ask me, those lovely teenie-boppers at the picture place in the mall could use a lesson or two in how to make a kid laugh...but that's a whole separate blog post, as is those teenie-boppers seeing two suckers named Andy and Liz walking through the door.