A Christmas Treat
Everyone needs a good laugh at least once a day, so my gift to you is a good daily chuckle:
The gal that writes this blog finds and has pictures sent to her daily of horrible cakes...terrible decor, misunderstood words, and just plain bad ideas. It is sometimes a bit crude, but the stuff she finds cracks me up on a daily basis.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, Merry Christmas!
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...
I have to say, this year’s week before Christmas is 110% better than last year. Last year at this time, there was 2 inches of ice on top of a foot of snow outside, and absolutely no hope of Andy being home for Christmas, as 400,000 PGE customers were without power. I was also 7 months pregnant, uncomfortable, and on emotional/hormonal overload. This year is the complete opposite… I have an amazing little boy (sometimes a maniac) crawling around, a husband who is home, and a weather forecast that calls for clear weather through Christmas, YAHOO!!! I am extremely grateful to say the least!
I was just reading an article on family traditions, and I am really enjoying expanding the Christmas (and other) traditions Andy and I had started, with Aiden. When I was growing up we had lots of traditions, especially this time of the year, and continuing them with Aiden is, so far (even though he doesn’t really get it yet), a blast, and I know it will only get better. Our newest tradition is leaving snacks for Santa’s reindeer. A couple Saturdays ago I got a wild hair and decided I was going to string popcorn to put on the tree. Well, I started in the afternoon, and by 9 that night, with 5 strings made and tired fingers, I realized I still needed about 5 more to keep the tree from looking ridiculous. So, those strings of popcorn originally destined for the tree, magically became snacks for the reindeer and are nicely on our mantle! Great tradition for Aiden? I think so!!
So, from the Schaechers, we wish all of you (any of you left??), a wonderful Christmas celebration! May you stockings, and your tummies, be stuffed! New Year's resolution is to blog more often, I promise!!
I Still Think It's May...


Homeboy had climed out of his carseat, and he doesn't even crawl or walk yet!!
I think we are in for it...
Aiden's First Hike...A Photo Essay
I can't wait for this coming weekend when we head to the beach again and Andy can scale logs with Aiden! Cheers!
Baby Food
And wallah, I now have 16 servings of green beans in the freezer! And Aiden can work on eating his vegetables instead of his fingers and plants!
Life in Fast Forward
About 1 month ago I went back to work 3 days a was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Thankfully, we are blessed with 2 grandmas and and 2 aunties to watch Aiden, we couldn't be luckier to have people watching him that practically love him more than we do. I remember the first day that I was home with Aiden by myself I thought, how am I going to survive these 3 months, I am going to be so quickly that though changed, and the time went by so much faster than I could have ever imagined, or appreciated. Being able to watch him grow and change in just 3 months was miraculous, and the love that I have for him is overwhelming.

Amazing what can change in the span of a year...last year at this time we didn't even know that I was pregnant, and now we are parents to a little miracle.

Shameless Plug...
Happy Almost 2 Month Birthday!
I'm Five Weeks Old Already!
10. I've already been to the beach 2 times!!
9. Mom swaddles me super tight at night...since then my 2 hour insomnia has increased to 4 and 5 hours!
8. Dad makes me hang out on my tummy when he gets home...did you know I rolled over twice yesterday??
7. We got to church on Saturday nights...I humor Mom and Dad by sleeping until right after communion, and then I start squaking!
6. I can pee right over the top of my head, and sometimes I can even hose off the window! (hee hee)
5. Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ben are going to be my godparents! I overheard Grammy saying something about them dunking me at church in May...
4. I like it when Dad reads me Curious George books...I want to be Curious George for Halloween!
3. I stretch a lot!!!
2. I sat in my Bumbo for the first time today, and can almost hold my head without any help!
1. I am growing like a weed!!
Well, I think it's time I eat and poop again! So this is Aiden, signing off until next time!

While He's Sleeping...

I thought for the official record, I would relive the adventure of his birth, you know, for historical purposes!
On Sunday, the 22nd (my actual due date), Andy and I got up to go to church at the Abbey at 9. Obviously anxious, I was on high alert for any possible sign of labor. While in church, I started having pretty bad cramp pain, but it wasn't making the rest of my stomach tight like a braxton hicks contraction, and they weren't regular at all, so I assumed I had bad gas :), and pretty much ignored them. We went about our day of a costco trip, tidying up the house, and making dinner, and I had those pains on and off, but continued to ignore them. About 7 or so, I flopped down on the couch after making dinner, and unintentionally started paying attention to these "gas" pains I kept having, and noticed that they were getting more painful, and seemingly closer together. I called my mom and asked her what she thought, and she thought they might be contractions, but probably my body was just getting ready, so not to worry. So, I was going to do that, but they kept getting worse! Andy decided to start timing them and they were happening about every 7 minutes or so, and lasting about 40ish seconds, and he said "I think these have to be contractions!" (holy smokes, reality check, this could actually be happening!!) Still slightly in denial, we made sure that everything was packed and ready to go, and taking advise from my friend Leah, I hopped in the shower, because she said "who knows when you'll get a shower again" once you head to the hospital! And once in the shower, I decided that this had to be false labor, because the contractions seemed to be less painful, and I didn't notice them as much. But, once out of the shower, they started coming more often (about 3 minutes apart), but only lasted about 20 seconds. We were SO confused!!! So, Andy decided to call the hospital to get their opinion, and they thought this probably was early labor, and to see if I could sleep through them..if not, come on in! Well, they got WAY worse, so we loaded up and headed to the hospital!!

Patience Grasshopper...

Now...if we just had someone to push around in this! I think Andy wants to use it so bad he is close to filling it up with canned food and pushing it down the street!!
One Problem Solved, but One More Question!
So, I have another question, but this one is a little more rhetorical...
How can a person, who will weigh significantly less than an average sized watermelon, and who's daily activities will involve primarily sleeping, eating, pooping, and crying (you'll notice I put those in order of time spent, hoping that the crying won't be going on too much) POSSIBLY NEED SO MUCH STUFF????!!! Or maybe they really don't, and Andy and I are just giant marketing ploy suckers?? (don't answer that one out loud!) We hopefully made our last big trip to Babys R Us on Wednesday...poor Andy, all he has to do is come within 1 mile of that store and he morphs into this sad sad man who knows he has been defeated by the marketing executives of the likes of Carters, Graco, Avent, Huggies, and Gymboree, just to name a few. Please pray that in the next days, weeks, months and years, that Andy and I will have the strength to withstand the force of the evil baby product empire!! :)
...shoot, does he have enough onsies and socks? Maybe the music on that bouncer isn't soothing enough and we should have an alternate just incase??
37 1/2 Weeks...
34 Weeks and Counting!
All About Andy
1. Andy is the only guy I know who would take off a day from work to stay home and trap the mouse that I saw running around. Mice, Beware!!
2. He has a new love affair with Peanut Butter M&Ms...the guy could eat a 2 pound bag without even taking a breath...truly amazing!
3. Andy is a nostalgia nut! At ever home OSU football game we attend, we must arrive at least 6 hours prior to the game so that he can go in every building he ever had a college class, walk around the entire campus, point out old places he lived, and go to the bookstore at least twice. Oh, and he refuses to sell his first car, a 1992 full-sized Blazer (which, I only curse during the summer because it comes in handy in the in winter with the 4 wheel drive).
4. He is going to be the best dad ever!! (Even if he does get unbelievably frustrated while registering for baby gear because he doesn't have enough information to make an educated choice between an orthodontic and non-orthodontic pacifier. :) )
5. He is a stock market fanatic! If he had his way, he would research stocks 24 hours a day. Today he spent an hour on the phone with the distributor of a product he owns stock in, and is getting a load of product to trial!
6. If a product isn't up to his expectations, he will let the manufacturer know! When he was in college, he bought a box of Nestle Crunch Ice Cream Bars. Well, those bars didn't crunch quite like he thought they should. So, he called up Nestle to report this grievous error, and guess who got 2 boxes of free crunch bars? You guessed it, Andy! I think this same scenario may have been repeated with Coke and Gillette Razor Blades.
7. With the exception of June, July, and August, or days over 65 degrees, he wears at least 1 pair of long underwear at all times, sometimes pushing the space allotment between his wranglers and skin by adding up to 3 "base layers"...the guy hates being cold!!
8. He is an efficiency nut! In his mind, things can always be done better and faster! Take for instance the time we were putting plant cuttings into 4 inch pots. If there was a way to cut 1/2 second off the potting time for each pot, he was going to find it. Needless to say, he almost accidentally got hit over the with a shovel by his lovely wife, and he doesn't try to make me more efficient much anymore! :)
9. He is a great relaxer! Most guys on vacation have to be going going going all the time. Andy is perfectly content to sit and read the paper or lay by the pool for hours and just zone out. In fact, I think he actually prefers this to constant vacation activity.
10. He was the only guy in our birth class to take notes...and he literally took 10 pages. Do you suppose he will bring those with us in the delivery room? Ten bucks says Yes!
It is true, he is a tough guy not to love!!