
37 1/2 Weeks...

and the little bugger hasn't reared his head yet (no pun intended...well not totally anyway!)! Last Tuesday I started going to the doctor weekly, and was 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. I was so excited and ready to head straight to the hospital, but apparently that's not quite 'in gear' enough to check into the baby hotel! So, yesterday when I went for my appointment, I was hoping for atleast another centimeter (or more), but no such luck, just a little more effaced, and that's about the size of it, literally. Geez, what's with all my funny play-on-words today??!! Hopefully at my appointment next week I will be a little further progressed. So, I guess we are in the "hurry up and wait" mode! Thank you for waiting with me!!
Also, I have an almost-new mom question! I am using the bassinet that my parents used with my sisters and I, and the mattress that it came with is apparently not the same size as the mattresses now (assumption, since I can't find one to save my soul!), thus, the sheets and pads that I ordered for it are way too big! Any suggestions on where to find a new mattress or any nifty retro-fitting ideas??

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz! No basinette ideas--sorry! But I was going to let you know that I have been scrapbooking with a program...I got it through Creative Memories and I LOVE IT! I did quite a bit of research and it is a lot better than anything else I could find for a number of reasons. I am going to have a party soon but I am guessing that you won't be able to make it (you almost new mommy you). This program is like having a virtual scrapbooking haven complete with stickers, velum, paper, stitching and anything else you could dream of! You've got to check it out!
