I don't mean to state the obvious here, but Baby Sheck has not shown up yet. I have told him over and over that his green card has expired and he needs to vacate, but he doesn't seem to be listening...
I had another appointment on Tuesday, but there was really not much progress from last week. I am still 1 cm dialated, but he is no longer "floating", I think the correct medical terminology for that is that he is "engaged". So, I am officially a woman on a mission....trying every suggestion in the book to speed up this process! :) On Wednesday, I think I may have gone a little overboard on the treadmill, and topped it off with "Pollo de el Diablo" aka "Chicken of the Devil" at Ixtapa, because I was quite sure I was going into labor. But, I think I was just suffering from overused back muscles, and a digestive tract that didn't enjoy the devil's chicken. However, the bright side of that was that all the laundry got done, the house is clean, the plants are watered, and Andy knows the signs of labor backwards and forwards! Maybe we'll have a Valentine's Baby...or maybe we'll have a March 1st Baby!
Andy and I are very excited to have received a wonderful gift from Grammy & Grandpa Rava and Nanny and Grandpa Schaecher (the grandpa's need to work on their names!), the nifty Bob Revoloution Stroller that we had been eyeing! I think this is our favorite baby gadget yet!!

Now...if we just had someone to push around in this! I think Andy wants to use it so bad he is close to filling it up with canned food and pushing it down the street!!